Gosia’s words on “What Confidence Means to You”
“To establish true self-confidence, we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives.”
Denis Waitley
I know what you’re thinking … easier said than done, right?
In the past five (or so) years, I feel like I gave my life an extreme makeover. I might not be richer, thinner, or that much smarter but what I am is confident. While I always had a pretty good sense of who I am, in these past few years I’ve been ready, willing and able to share that with whoever will listen, it is during this period that I gained the confidence to start my dream which was always to own and run a successful Beauty Salon delivering premium treatments to my clients, out of this came beautiful Bronte’s Sensation Boutique.
In my opinion that is what confidence does. It gives you access to the voice you need to be yourself. If you want a big life, one filled with the things that make you happy, it’s time to get a handle on this thing. It’s time to start practising and see what shows up. With that in mind, I’ve put together a few posts on the topic of confidence that I love. I know you will too. Enjoy!
Give something back
Whether it’s raising money for charity, helping out a friend or mentoring a graduate – being kind is good for you. From reducing stress and boosting mental wellbeing, it can even help you to live longer. Even better, it can boost confidence and give you a sense of purpose like nothing else.
Sign up for a fitness challenge or fitness class
I’ve never liked the idea of getting involved in group events. All those people, standing on the side-lines. I’m a private person – I love to walk, ride or run alone or with my partner. But during my life, I have participated in group fitness, it has helped me push myself out of my comfort zone, I was doing something that would give me focus and confidence and at the same time that confidence spilled over into other areas of my life.
Push yourself out of your comfort zone
You don’t have to do a talk. You could find something else that you’d typically shy away from. Maybe just going to see a movie on your own? Or jumping back on that bicycle that is taking up space in the back of your garage? What about that book you’ve been promising to write? Even just attending a networking event when you’d rather stay in with Netflix – all these things that we’d rather avoid can open up new learning experiences and subsequently boost our confidence. I am always doing home study and attending industry courses which helps me to keep up with the latest beauty products and beauty treatments.
Limit your exposure to negativity
Yes, I’m talking about the news, and let’s face it, it is very depressing and especially so during this pandemic – anything that involves negativity needs to be limited in my opinion. But what about being engaged in current affairs, I hear you say? I spent many years starting each day with the morning news programme on TV or Radio. I felt it was my duty. Then I’d go to work, often feeling down, with no idea why, finally I joined the dots and stopped that behaviour which changed the way I was feeling which had a direct link to how confident I was feeling, give it a try?
Secondly, if there’s someone who raises my anxiety, it could be anyone at all. Someone who shares negative things. I mute or block them. I purposefully remove them from my life as best I can, and I never need to worry about them again. I don’t get anxious either and feel so much better, I concentrate that time spent on friends, family and happy updates. Simple but you may be surprised how good it can make you feel.
I hope this Journal will in some way trigger thoughts about YOUR confidence and what effects your day-to-day life. The beautiful treatments available at Sensation Boutique are another way to reduce stress and help bring back that confident glow and remember that lovely quote.